
Physiotherapy with Ascenti

Our team of expert physios can help get you back to your best, with flexible & convenient appointments available in-clinic and online.
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As a MyGP customer, you don't have to put up with pain or discomfort.

Ascenti and MyGP have teamed up to give you speedy access to advanced therapies and affordable treatments that get to the heart of your problem and treat it fast.

How we can help you

Same-day appointments available either face-to-face or via video on your computer or phone

30-minute consultations with a certified Ascenti Physiotherapist

Personal treatment plan and exercise videos available to follow using our app

Physiotherapy can help you to elevate your health by restoring movement and function to the body if you are affected by injury, illness, disability or pain. Your Ascenti physiotherapist will achieve the best results possible by using our distinct clinical philosophy, which means combining a variety of different therapies and techniques to get you back to your best.

A bit about Ascenti

Ascenti is the leading provider of physiotherapy in the UK. Our distinct clinical philosophy and approach to treatment comes from over 20 years of successfully treating more than 1.5 million people, from office workers to top athletes.

With speedy access to advanced therapies and affordable treatments, our team of highly trained clinicians can get to the heart of your problem and treat it fast.

Ascenti’s online services are designed to give you fast and convenient access to highly trained Physiotherapists wherever you need to be.

Our live one-to-one video consultations are an alternative to face-to-face clinic appointments that are delivered using the Ascenti Physio App.

We’re proving that our online physio appointments and using our app can achieve great results. Learn more

Our services

Back pain
Move forward from the suffering of back pain, with treatment plans that can offer you immediate relief and long term solutions.
Home-working health check
Don't put up with pain or discomfort when working from home. Our health checks will give you guidance about how to achieve the best working set-up and posture at home.
Injury rehabilitation
Make a full recovery and get back to your normal life fast, with our sky high expertise in injury rehabilitation.
Long term conditions
Take back control and say hello to more good days, with progressive therapies and guidance for the management of long term conditions such as arthritis.
Online video consultations
Our online physiotherapy services are designed to give you speedy access to the physio treatment you need at a time and place convenient to you.
Pregnancy physio
Thrive and enjoy your pregnancy, with therapies that can relieve you from the pain and discomfort of common complaints such as sciatica and back pain.
Recovering from surgery
Make headway after an operation or surgery with advanced rehabilitation techniques and support every step of the way.
Sports physio
Smash your fitness goals and rise above the competition, with advanced therapies for injury prevention and improved performance.

In-clinic treatment - FAQs

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a recognised medical profession that can help you to elevate your health by restoring movement and function to the body if you are affected by injury, illness, disability or pain.

Is physiotherapy safe?

We uphold the highest standards of safety and take our responsibilities as a healthcare provider seriously, which is why we are a trusted partner to 14 NHS integrated care boards (ICBs) nationwide.

What do I need to tell the physiotherapist?

You will get more from your treatment with us if you are able to think about your issue and what you want to get out of your physiotherapy session beforehand. 

If you have had a problem for a long time, it can be easy to forget when things started and how the pain may have changed over time. Below are some questions that you are likely to be asked by your physiotherapist:

  • What do you want to get out of the treatment session?
  • Where are you experiencing any pain?
  • When did the problem first start?
  • Is there anything that could have triggered it?
  • When is the problem at its best and at its worst?

What should I wear? 

With your consent, you may be asked to remove or move clothing so that they can easily access and treat the area concerned. For this reason, it is better to wear loose and comfortable clothing that can be easily taken off or moved. 

For example, if you are attending for a problem with your legs, you may wish to bring a pair of shorts. For assessment of your neck or arms, a strappy or sleeveless top may be useful.

If for religious or personal reasons you are not happy to undress, please inform your physiotherapist who will be able to adapt the treatment if necessary.

What will happen at my first appointment?

Your physiotherapist will ask you to tell them as much as you can about your issue. They will need to assess you and look at the area of your body causing your problems, so you should be prepared to remove some clothing if necessary.

Your physiotherapist will explain what your issue or injury is likely to be and the ways that we can help to treat the problem. There may be some time for treatment at the end of the session, but this will depend on your condition. 

In rare cases we may find that we are unable to treat people and that they need to be referred to a specialist. For example, if you have a broken bone or need surgery. 

How long do appointments last?

Your appointments will last up to 30 minutes, including time for discussion, treatment, taking notes and answering any questions you may have.

How will I feel after the treatment session?

The type of treatment you receive will vary depending on your own personal circumstances, injury or condition. Learn more about treatment with us

If your treatment includes manual therapy techniques your physiotherapist will provide you with advice about managing any post-therapeutic effects, which may include avoiding any strenuous activity and applying ice to the area.

How do I change or cancel my appointment?

If you need to check, cancel or re-schedule an appointment please call us on 0330 678 0851. 

Online physiotherapy - FAQs

What is the Ascenti virtual physiotherapy service?

Ascenti’s virtual physiotherapy service is when you have a consultation with one of our physiotherapists using video call or telephone instead of meeting with them in a clinic. 

Before you are booked in for a virtual physiotherapy appointment with Ascenti we will ask you important questions about your symptoms. This is usually in the form of an online physio symptom checking tool and helps us to make sure that virtual physiotherapy is right for you. 

As soon as you book an appointment with us you will be able to download and use our patient app, an important tool where your physiotherapist will prescribe you with exercises and advice to follow after your appointment. 

What are the benefits of virtual physiotherapy?

Virtual physiotherapy is an alternative to a face-to-face in-clinic appointment that can save you time and offer great results, or what we would call ‘strong treatment outcomes’. 

Research shows that the right management of injuries and conditions early on helps people to recover faster and stops problems from becoming bigger in the future. 

Unfortunately, people often put off seeing a physiotherapist because it can be hard to take time out to visit a clinic in the day or challenging to travel if you are suffering with pain or mobility issues. 

Virtual physiotherapy is an amazing solution to this. It can connect you with a trained physiotherapist at the touch of a button and from the comfort of your home, work or wherever you need to be. 

The Ascenti Physio app, which forms part of the Ascenti virtual physiotherapy service, also helps you and your physio to track your progress and how you are getting on after your appointment. 

Will I speak to a real physiotherapist?

Yes. Ascenti physiotherapists deliver our virtual physiotherapy service. 

These physiotherapists are the same highly trained clinicians who deliver our in-clinic services and see patients in person. They are not temps, trainees or people that we contract the work out to like a call centre. 

Ascenti physiotherapists are qualified medical professionals who receive a minimum of 100 hours of protected training and development time annually and are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). 

What is the difference between virtual physiotherapy and face-to-face appointment?

Ascenti’s virtual physiotherapy service is very similar to a first time face-to-face physiotherapy appointment with us in clinic. The physical assessment is modified but we still ask you to show us how well you can move and may ask you to perform certain tests or tasks while we watch. 

It is a fully qualified and professionally trained Ascenti physiotherapist talking with you and running through the same set of assessment questions that they would ask in clinic. 

If anything the assessment questions are actually more detailed to account for the virtual setting. 

Is virtual physiotherapy safe? What if you miss a serious pathology or problem?

Ascenti’s virtual physiotherapy service is safe and effective. 

It is a fully qualified and professionally trained Ascenti physiotherapist talking with you and running through the same set of assessment questions that they would ask you in clinic. 

This assessment will rule out any serious underlying cause or what we call a serious pathology, and flag any issues that need to be investigated in the same way as a face-to-face appointment would. 

Our virtual physiotherapy service is subject to the same high levels of safety and quality testing as all of our services and systems - learn more about governance and quality at Ascenti. 

What can I expect from my first virtual physiotherapy appointment?

The main element of any first physiotherapy appointment, whether in clinic face to face or over video or telephone, is an assessment of the condition or injury. 

This assessment typically includes questions about your problem and your physiotherapist asking you to perform certain movements. 

Your virtual physiotherapy appointment will include all of these same elements and will likely be structured like the below:

  • Hello and introduction. 
  • If you provided information to us before your appointment then your physio may check some details with you. 
  • They will talk with you to learn more about your condition, symptoms and lifestyle. 
  • They may ask you to perform certain movements on the video call so that they can assess your function. 
  • Your physio will provide you with advice about how to treat and manage your condition. This will include access to our patient app, where your physio will set you up with an account that includes exercise videos and treatment advice personalised to you. 
  • Depending on if it is needed, you may be booked in for a follow up virtual physiotherapy appointment or face to face appointment in clinic. 

How should I prepare for my virtual physio appointment?

To get the most from your virtual physiotherapy appointment with us we recommend that you follow five simple steps:

1) Carefully read the guidance that we send you by email confirming your appointment and share any additional information that we need from you before-hand.  

2) Find a location that offers you privacy for your virtual physiotherapy appointment. You may need to perform movements or share personal information. 

3) Make sure you are in a location where the physio will be able to see and hear you clearly. 

4) Get your phone or laptop set up beforehand and make sure you have good signal and battery. 

5) If you have any problems or need to cancel your appointment please give us as much warning as possible by contacting us

Who we’ve helped

Ray from Somerset says
'I couldn’t believe how well this worked and how easy it was. I had been putting off visiting a physio about my neck for ages. This is the future.'
Isabel from Bristol says
'With a new baby this has been a lifeline. My back felt better after just one session and a week of following my exercise plan on the app.'
Neil from Moray Scotland says
'I live in a remote area so was grateful to find an option instead of a 6-9 month wait. The pains gone and I have full use of my arm again – highly recommend.'
You’re in good hands. Ascenti is CQC registered and your data is safe with us. We are a trusted partner to the NHS and more than 400 businesses. Learn more
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